Home Care Instructions

After First Treatment

The root canal system inside your tooth has been thoroughly cleaned, and the irritated tissue and bacteria that have caused you to need root canal treatment have been removed. The tooth and its surrounding gum tissue may be somewhat tender for several days as a result of manipulation during treatment. The symptoms that you experienced prior to your endodontic treatment will subside over a few days. These symptoms are temporary and usually respond very well to over the counter pain medication. It is important for you to follow the instructions on how to take these medications. If pain medication was prescribed to you, please follow the warning labels on the prescription bottle. Narcotic medications may cause drowsiness and caution should be exercised in operating heavy machinery or driving a car after taking them. Continue to brush and floss your teeth normally.

The opening in your tooth has been restored with a temporary filling material. It is not unusual for a thin layer to wear away between appointments. If you think that the entire temporary filling has come out, please contact our office.

Should pain become severe or swelling should occur inside or outside your mouth, please contact our office.

After Completion of Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic treatment for this tooth has now been completed. The root canal, or canals, have been permanently sealed. However, the outer surface is sealed with a temporary filling material. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DENTIST FOR AN APPOINTMENT FOR A FINAL RESTORATION OF YOUR TOOTH. This is necessary to protect your tooth against fracture and decay, thus ensuring long term success. Avoid chewing or biting on the treated tooth until you have it restored by your dentist. Your dentist will be informed that endodontic treatment has been completed and a report will be sent to their office with pre-op and post-op radiographs.

The tooth may be slightly tender. Contact our office if you notice visible swelling inside or outside of your mouth or experience an allergic reaction to prescribed medication.

A tooth that has had appropriate endodontic treatment followed by a proper restoration can last as long as your other natural teeth. We will send you a postcard in six months for a re-examination appointment. X-rays taken at that appointment will permit us to review the healing process following your treatment. It is important that endodontically treated teeth be re-examined regularly, since a small percentage of these do not heal completely.

Information For Patients Following Surgery

  • Do not lift or pull on the lip to look at your sutures. Tearing may result.
  • Use cold applications over the operated area as soon as possible. Continue them for 45 minutes every hour until the following afternoon.
  • Brush your teeth, and keep your mouth as clean as possible. Be gentle around the operated area.
  • Do not use over-the-counter mouthwash or electric toothbrushes for 3-4 weeks until tissue has healed completely.
  • Do all heavy chewing on the other side of your mouth.
  • Eat nourishing easily chewed foods (eggs, soup, milk, etc.)
  • Some swelling and discoloration (bruising) is normal. This will gradually resolve.
  • Slight bleeding the first day or two is normal.
  • If any unusual symptoms develop, such as excessive swelling, bleeding or discomfort, contact this office for instructions at any hour.
  • Have your prescription(s) filled and follow the directions for taking them explicitly.